Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Forget It or Regret It?


              There are so many regrets I found, but I deny it because to be a free person I have to never regret. I can only take all the silver lining in every case. That’s what I know, but I think regret is the sign that we had done something, we ever tried something, and decided something in our life.
                Yes, that’s what happening to me now. Like… you choose to know someone that you curious of, and you know him more, you talked, you shared something, you joked, you were angry, you liked, you loved, but suddenly something unclear happened and broke it all. What happen then? So many questions there those never be answered. The worst that can’t be forgiven is when we blame ourself… and we know it hurts. =)

                Stop! Just one word, stop! We have to stop to blame ourself, we have to stop regret and then think clearly, just remember that there is no one perfect, we ever did something wrongs and it’s very human. But the important that we have to remember is ‘what have we do to fix it all, and maybe forget it all to take ourself back, back to be a free and a peaceful person’. Rise up and stand upright~