Kamis, 08 November 2012

Keinginan Sederhana atau Muluk. Ke Inggris!

Saya mau ke Inggrissss !!! Itu yang saya teriakin pas searching gambar Istana Buckingham ._. England jadi tujuan pertama negera asing yang pengen saya kunjungin (hopefully someday). Waktu kecil taunya Inggris itu punya ratu namanya Elizabeth, terus anaknya namanya Pangeran Charles, udah gitu aja -..- Beranjak besar dengan umur saya yang 18 tahun ini, udah banyak yang saya ketahui, bukan tentang Inggrisnya sih, tapi saya tau kenapa saya tertarik sama negara ini.
Inggris adalah negara yang berbentuk kerajaan (monarki konstitusional)  dan sistem pemerintahannya parlementer, kepala negaranya Ratu Elizabeth meskipun itu cuma sebuah simbol. Dari bentuk negaranya itulah saya tertarik sama Inggris, dimana-mana yang namanya kerajaan itu pasti punya Raja Ratu, Istana, Pasukan Pengawal, Pelayan, Rakyat dan rentetan anggota kerajaan lainnya dan itu sangat menariiik, duhai teman-temaaan !!! Tapi yang paling penting dan sangat mendasar kenapa saya suka Inggris itu karena sejarahnya. Negara terkemuka di segala bidang, dan punya banyak tokoh yang berpengaruh terhadap dunia modern saat ini. Banyak banget sejarah-sejarah yang saya suka dari negara ini juga isu-isunya yang tidak perlu saya jelaskan disini, hihi :D
Kalo seandainya saya punya kesempatan, misalnya tiba-tiba hujan duit nih atau tiba-tiba dapet undian semilieur, setelah saya bilang Alhamdulillah Gusti, langsung saya mau buat jadwal tour ke Inggris (ini sih versi lebaynya). 
Saya gak tau banyak tempat-tempat menarik di sana, tapi yang pengen saya kunjungi kalo mimpi muluk ini tercapai mungkin tempat pertama itu ya Istana Buckingham, tempat yang teramat bersejarah bisa dibilang, all members of Kingdom ada di sini (kali) ini dia penampakannya

Di Buckingham saya mau take foto saya di tiap bangunan sama patung-patungnya, hihihi

Daaaan tau kah apa yang sangat mencuri hati saya di Kerajaan ini? Life Guards atau Horse Guards itu looo pasukan pengawal Ratu yang pake kuda. wohoooo, saya suka banget kostumnyaaa, topinyaaa semuanyaaa :*** Perpaduan warna merah sama hitem, suka pokonyaaa *.* Gak akan lupa lah minta foto bareng mereka (itupun kalo diizinkan -_-) ya minimal curi-curi foto bahaha

Udah dari Istana Buckingham saya mau ke BigBen, the second biggest clock tower in the world ;)

Habis itu saya mau ke Abbey Road, itu loh jalan yang terkenal sehabis dipake foto cover albumnya The Beatles.

Kalo perginya banyakan nanti difotonya kayak gini, bahahaha :D

Terus lanjut ke London Bridge, Jembatan yang merupakan satu-satunya jembatan yang melintasi Thames dari Kingston sampai Jembatan Westminster yang dibuka tahun 1750 :)

Cuss selanjutnya ke Cambrigde University, ini univ tertua kedua di Inggris, paling ketat persyaratan masuknya di Britania Raya ini *.* wooo

Dan perjalanan pun selesai hahaha, yaaa mipinya dicukupkan sekian karna kalo kebanyakan tempat nanti saya gempor di sana muehehe, Hopefully can get the chance to come there. Amen ! :)

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Don't Fall Again, Keep Standing Up and Build It !

This night, between supporting myself to keep stand up and let my tears to fall down on my cheek, I try to spit all my words here. I'm really confused to understand that news. I realize this is so 'drama queen' but it hurts me although just a little.
Just 6 words. These made me stuck and asked 'why do this happen again?'

Hy for you, we never get a conversation directly. We ever met. Just said something, and..... Just it!
But on the other way, we ever talked like you are my friend. That almost made me fall, ooops NOT ALMOST but VERY ALMOST ! I almost fall with a random way, with a short period of time -,-
All that time, I ever waited your message or just greeting. But I tried to never obsess, because I knew it would make me like an oh-so-no-creature (re: ga banget -,-)
I enjoyed that time, and my days got a little bit spirit. Buuuuut after I heard that little news, It suddenly punched my heart, ALMOST!
First, I just laughed and smile, yeah a fake smile. But no problem, I don't need to disappointed because I have no right at all =))
So, you... just enjoy your time, I will support you here, and take care yours (maybe) and good luck :)':

Thank you, after it happened, I got an energy to add my strength. Undirectly, you taught me to don't ever fall again, I will keep standing up and build in love, not fall in love =)))

By a little God Creature, who is learning about life Farida Amalia :)

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Speak Out Loud

My fingers bring me to this place. They force me to dancing and spit all my words.
Let me write, just enjoy this random write, read, listen and understand, it will make me more better.

This age should be my brilliant, I wanna get all my wants. Those are not about want to be spiderman, or want to be batman, no at all! It sounds so funny :3 There are still so  many important things than wanna be a hero -_____-
I just want to enjoy my college, do the task well, and get a good point of every exam. Can't I? It's a must! I will! I will try more harder although I meet so many obstacles -_-'' 
But the biggest thing that I really wanted is get more experiences, no more no less. I'm looking for it, looking fooooor iiiiiiit. I still have not found experiences which really mean for me. It sounds so jaded I think. That statement means that I have not done anything, right? You got it? oooooh~
I'm 18, and now I enjoy my teen life, I still have 1 year to get that thing. Because in 20, it will be another story :)
Sooo please, chance come to mamaaaaaa ;;;) Bring me to the moment~

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Be a College Student

Hello fellas, here I come =) I was so busy with my activities as a Collage Student  hihi. Now my fingers are ready to dance on my keyboard again.

I don't go to school anymore, I go to the bigger place than my school, yeay that's my campus =)

This is a new place where I can see many people dressed not with uniform, it's so amazing I think, more colorful  more cheerful and also more mature, I'm really excited to go to campus everyday =) This is a blessing. If I remember about my dream before, which wanted to get the university in Yogyakarta I never ever regret at all. I don't know it happened to me, when I signed up to that University then I got the answer that I have to stay in this town, Tasikmalaya... I didn't feel sad deeply, just said "I'm not accepted, huuuh". Be a part of English Literature was my dream. But now I'm a part of Development Economics, and I hope this is the answer from God =)

I never thought before, I'm a science student who has a big-headache-attack if I learn science subject, so I chose Literary for my collage... But destiny said that I have to learn Economics. Everything has to be thankful, I did it yes I did it. I went through this new life. Hopefully can get my success here and reach all my dreams.

 I get a lots of new friends, these are some friends who always together everywhere :)

From left she is Putri called uty, center is Yowan called as Tata One, and me :) Two others Isma and Mira were not together at the moment. By the way, Isma took this picture well =)

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

You !

Dear someone out there, I'm sorry for all my faults, I realized about it at all. If you think that I'm not a Human being it's very fair. I understand. Deep in my heart, I hope you will get your best. About your future, I ask to God to guide you every time. Thank you for a little conversation that may you did not remember it. Once more, I'm sorry.

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Biggest Hope

Now i'm preparing about something important. This is the biggest thing that I have to prepare it perfectly. I wanna hear a good news, a good sound like all my best friends in our school yard yesterday. I saw a lot of smile on their face. I was so excited and happy when heard that they got their future University. In a crowded situation, I got an energy, it seemed like sound "you can do it, you can get it, you will hear something wonderful " Me, with all my hopes, with all my optimistic, with all my believe, will fight awesome on 12 June 2012, God will hear all my need, God will help me as always. Always spirit, and believe :)

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Play with wind

The skies never say hello to me if  I go out with no smile on my face. I walked with no one, stared softly, and watched everything carefully. People was busy with their step, looked their watch, stared again, stop the bus, and did it everyday. I got a headache to see a random view every morning.
I was tired. I walked with my head down, only the grey color I saw. A long street accompanied me, I end my step.  I saw a looong ladder beside the old building, it looked as if it built itself just to make me say WOW, and it worked. O my God what happened? 30 minutes ago I just walked on a crowded place, and one minute later I stranded in an-unknown-place.
Excitedly, I ran and step every stairs. I felt a touch, but I couldn't see what it was... I saw a big building, and its propeller. I smile, I ran around the windmill, felt the wind gust, I played with wind, enjoyed my morning, for the first time the skies smile to me..